The Maple Spring Church is comprised of many Commissions who maintain and lead church activities throughout the year. Commission members serve a five year term of office and meet four times a year or more for any additional meetings when required . The members are also expected to attend Church Board and Council meetings along with supporting church doctrine and the church by-laws.
Trustee Commission
The Trustee Commission is a very hands on Commission. They hold the title to all church property as well as maintain and provide all improvements to the building and other structures of the church. The Commission recommends and directs all expansion programs. They arrange regular upkeep of the church, such as snow plowing the parking lot, garbage removal, set up tables and chairs in the Fellowship Hall, winterize and clean up the church grove, and supervise the church custodian.
Music and Worship Commission
The Music and Worship Commission presides over the church sanctuary and plans with pastor the most effective worship service. They acquire acolytes and supervise and schedule ushers as well as appoint the choir director, pianist, and organist. The Commission also arranges regular and special music for church services. They decorate the church sanctuary for each season and holiday.
Finance Commission
The duties of the Finance Commission are to make a careful survey of the activities and obligations of the Church in cooperation with other Commissions by estimating the probable expenses for the coming year (and beyond) and to present an annual itemized budget to the Board of Administration for consideration and approval at the October Church Council Meeting. Upon approval by Council, the commission is responsible to provide the means for meeting those obligations as needed. Therefore, the Commission is responsible for keeping accurate and complete financial documentation that appointed auditors annually inspect and report their findings to the Finance Commission, Board and Council.
The Finance Commission is responsible for appointing a Church Treasurer and Financial Secretary and assisting their needs. It is through these appointed Ex-officio members and this Commission that all financial demands shall be made and payments be authorized. This Commission also has the general responsibility for educating the congregation in matters of Christian Stewardship by encouraging tithing and member participation in the financial programs of the Church.
Deacon Commission
The Deacon Commission is charged with the physical arrangements and supplies necessary for the rites of Baptism, Feet washing, Love Feast and Communion. The Deacons may assist the Pastor in the anointing service. The Commission plans for and engages in regular visitation with members of the congregation, especially the sick and shut-ins.
Those chosen as Deacons should be faithful and loyal to the doctrines, principles, and practices of Jesus and the Holy Bible, and spiritually minded with wisdom and judgment in the work of the church. Deacons are called to the office by an open ballot, a majority vote is required.
Mission and Service Commission
The Mission and Service Commission selects and supports home and foreign mission and service work. Those serving on the Commission conduct fundraising campaigns for various organizations including the Blanket Fund and Heifer International. They distribute devotionals to those who are homebound, students, and other church members who live away. The Commission members also administer Helping Hands Funds and Maple Spring Disaster Funds in response to disasters in local and other areas. They designate charitable tithing in the yearly budget. For more information on charities receiving support from Maple Spring Church, please call us at 814-479-7062.
Ministry and Evangelism Commission
The Ministry and Evangelism Commission supervise the pastoral program and develop a year round program of evangelism. This includes services to welcome new members and to revitalize inactive members. The members of the Commission serve as the pastors counselors and annually review terms of the pastors contract. They hire and supervise the church secretary and youth and young adult coordinator. The Commission also arranges for guest speakers and promotes an annual revival service. These members also must continually promote a healthy pastoral-congregational relationship and seek to adjust any differences in the pastoral-congregational relationship.